This section covers publication, divided into peer-reviewed publications, research reports, books and book chapters, general publication, dissertations and other publication.
Peer-reviewed Publications

Runberger, J. Elbrrashi, H. 2024. ‘Innovation under Duress: Strategies for Computational Design Development within the Constraints of Architectural Commissions.’ In: Eversmann, P. Gengnagel, C. Lienhard, J. Ramsgaard Thomsen, M. Wurm, J. (Eds.): Scalable Distruptors: Proceedings of the Design Modelling Symposium, Kassel 2024. Springer International Publishing

Johansson, N. Nordström, L. Runberger, J. Sehlström, A. 2023. The Sheaf: Expressive Geometry Through Collaborative Computational Design and Low-Tech Construction Methods. IABSE Congress New Delhi 2023: Engineering for Sustainable Development

Runberger, J. Ondejcik, V. Elbrrashi, H. 2022. ‘Design from Finite Material Libraries: Enabling Project-Confined Re-Use in Architectural Design and Construction through Computational Design Systems.’ In: Gengnagel, C., Baverel, O., Betti, G., Popescu, M., Ramsgaard Thomsen, M., Wurm, J. (Eds.): Towards Radical Regeneration: Proceedings of the Design Modelling Symposium, Berlin 2022. Springer International Publishing

Runberger, J., Ondejcik, V. 2018. ‘Graphical Control in Computational Design.’ Poster presented at the Advances in Architectural Geometry conference, Chalmers ACE

Runberger, J., Ondejcik, V., Svilans, T. 2018. ’Early Stage Material Performance Modelling.’ Poster presented at the Advances in Architectural Geometry conference, Chalmers ACE

Dellson, O., Magnusson, F., Runberger, J. 2018. ‘Geodesic Lattices for Urban Greenery.’ Poster presented at the Advances in Architectural Geometry conference, Chalmers ACE

Lienhard, J., Bergmann, C., Magna, R., Runberger, J. 2017. ‘A Collaborative Model for the Design and Engineering of a Textile Hybrid Structure.’ Paper presented and published in the IASS annual symposia IASS 2017 Hamburg Symposium: Active Bending Structures, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)

Magnusson, F., Runberger, J. 2017. ‘Design System Assemblages – the continuous curation of Design Computation Processes in Architectural Practice.’ Paper presentation at the Professional Practices in the Built Environment conference at Reading University (in Association with Arena and The Edge), part of the AHRC funded Evidencing and Communicating the Value of Architects project

Magnusson, F. Runberger, J. Zboinska, M. Ondejcik, V. 2017 (1). ’Morphology & Development – knowledge management in architectural design computation practice.’ Conference paper presented at the eCAADe 2017 Shock conference

Runberger, J. Lienhard, J. 2017. ‘Collaborative Models for Design Computation and Form Finding.’ In: de Rycke, K., Gengnagel, C., Baverel, O., Burry, J., Mueller, C., Nguyen, M.M., Rahm, P., Thomsen, M.R. (Eds.). Humanizing Digital Reality, Springer International Publishing

Runberger, J. Magnusson, F. 2015. ‘Harnessing the Informal Processes around the Computational Design Model’. In: Thomsen, M., Tamke, M., Gengnagel, C., Faircloth, B., Scheurer, F. (Eds.). Modelling Behaviour: Design Modelling Symposium 2015, Springer International Publishing
Lundgren, M. Zinnecker, M. Runberger, J. Grahn, S. 2014. Daylight autonomy and facade design: From research to practice for the Stockholm SEB Bank head office. Advanced Building Skins Conference Proceedings of the 9th Energy Forum

Runberger, J. 2010. ‘Cognitive Estrangement in Digital Design Practice,’ paper presentation and publication in proceedings Kelley, J. (Ed.). Flip Your Field, ACSA West Central Fall Conference, Chicago
Runberger, J. 2005. ‘Remediation as operation and strategy within architectural design development.’ Conference paper. Research Spaces conference. The Bartlett + the Slade. London
Runberger, J. 2005. ‘PARCEL – Developing Performative Prototypes in Architectural Design,’ conference paper in the Joining Forces conference. UIAH Helsinki
Runberger, J. Benesch, F. 2001. ‘Progressive Practice in Architecture,’ article in Nordic Journal of Architectural Research
Schneidler, T. Runberger, J. 2001. ‘Hyper:Sketch – Site specific media in architectural design,’ paper. Architectural Research and IT conference. Aarhus
Research Reports

Runberger, J. 2024. Making Bridges. WRL Project Report. White Research Lab
Runberger, J. Lundberg, L. 2023. Hybrid Composites: Full Scale Building Modular Construction using Additive Manufacturing in Cellulose Based Materials. Project Report. Smart Built Environment / Formas

Runberger, J. 2023. Informed Design with Digital Support in Architecture – Design, Structure and Fabrication. ARQ Report 14: 2014

Runberger, J. 2023. Architectural Potentials with Additive Manufacturing in Timber. ARQ Report 22: 2017

Linde, J. Magnusson, F. Strebeyko, F. Runberger, J. Granath, K. 2023. Bortom Köket. Arkus
Runberger, J. Et al. 2020 – 2023. Annual Global Intelligence Reports on Architecture and Digitalisation. White Research Lab, White Arkitekter
Runberger, J. 2020. Would Wood. Work package 2 research report. Vinnova
Runberger, J. Hedlund, K. 2018. Frameworks: Establishing the Architecture & Computation Research Group at Chalmers ACE. Report
Bjerregaard Jensen, L. Negendahl, K. 2018. Informing Sustainable Architecture: the STED Project. Report featuring the EcoCanopy project. Polyteknisk Forlag
Runberger, J. Miranda, P., Tessmann, O. 2014. Development Project Architectural Technology. Report. KTH School of Architecture

Gunterberg, Y., Runberger, J. 2006. Bostäder byggda med volymelement, Boverket
Books and Book Chapters

Nine chapters in: Wangel, J., Fauré, E. (Eds.). 2021. Beyond Efficiency: A speculative design research anthology in which we seek to deconstruct ecomodern imaginaries of urban sustainability through exploring what more just and sustainable living environments could be like. AADR, Würzburg (‘Design-driven explorations are relevant in tackling societal challenges’, ‘Speculative design explores alternative pasts, presents and futures.’, ‘Interstitial Spaces’, ‘Well-Being.’, ‘Envelopes Doing More.’, ‘Interstitial Interventions.’, ‘Interstitial Fictions., ‘Revisiting the design experiments in relation to the design programme.’, ‘Epilogue.’)

Svilans, T., Runberger, J., Strehlke, K. 2020. ‘Agency of Material Production Feedback in Architectural Practice.’ Chapter in: Sheil, B., Ramsgaard Thomsen, M., Tamke, M., Hanna, S., Design Transactions: Rethinking Information Modelling for a New Material Age. UCL Press

Svilans, T., Antemann, M., Ramsgaard Thomsen, M., Tamke, M., Strehlke, K., Runberger, J. 2019. ‘New Workflows for Digital Timber.’ Chapter in: Bianconi, F., Filippucci, M. (Eds.). Digital Wood Design: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design. Springer International Publishing

Six chapters (uncredited) in: Zimm, M. (Ed.). 2019. Make Sense: Architecture by White. Laurence King Publishing, London (‘Making Sense of Making Sense: Panel Discussion’, ‘The Forumtorget Bench’, ‘The Go-Down Arts Museum in Nairobi’, ‘The Humanities Theatre’, ‘Birdwatchers’ Sheaf Shack’, ‘Free-form Timber: From design to fabrication’, ‘Quality Hotel Globen Event Hall’)

Runberger, J. 2012. Arkitekters verktyg: En kritisk diskussion om betydelsen av verktyg i förståelsen och skapandet av arkitektur. Arkus

Runberger, J. Miranda, P. 2006. ‘SplineGraft‘. In Seltmann, G. and Lippert, W. (Eds). Entry Paradise: New Worlds of Design. Birkhäuser Architecture

Runberger, J. Miranda, P. 2006. ‘SplineGraft‘. In Hutt, D. and Jaschko, S (Ed.). Open House: Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living. Exhibition Catalogue. Vitra Design Museum

Runberger, J. Norell, D. Miranda, P. 2005. ’Krets and PARCEL,’ in Grillner, K., Glembrandt, P., Wallenstein, S.O. (Eds). 01.AKAD. AXL Books
General Publication

Runberger, J. Elbrrashi, H. Ondejcik, V. Nordström, L. 2024. Project Specific Innovation: Computational Design Development in Architectural Commissions. white paper. White Research Lab

Runberger, J. Ondejcik, V. Magnusson, F. 2024. The Forumtorget Bench: Digital and Material Prototyping through Computational Design. white paper. White Research Lab

Schuur, S. Runberger, J. 2024. The Quality Hotel Globe Foyer: Computational Design for Bespoke Manufacture and Assembly. white paper. White Research Lab

Åsberg, M-S., Stampe, V., Bandeira, U., Zimm, M., Runberger, J. 2020. ’Tillfällig arkitektur – ett nytt lager av berättelsen.’ Conversation in Brecevic, G., Wik, A. (Eds.). Levande Bilder Levande Stad. Film Capitol Stockholm
Runberger, J., Magnusson, F., Zboinska, M., Ondejcik, V. 2018.’ Digitaliseringen kan stödja arkitektens kreativa arbete.’ Article in Arkitekten. Architects Sweden. January
Runberger, J. 2015. ‘Stockholm med nya ögon.’ Article in Samhällsbyggaren, issue 6
Runberger, J. Karlsson, U. 2014. ‘Parametrisk design: Ett sätt att göra associationer,’ article in Arkitekten. Architects Sweden. July/August
Runberger, Jonas. 2012. ‘Produktiva verktyg.’ Column in the Thought of the Month series published on the website for Arkus
Runberger, J. 2010. ‘The Future Agency of Digital Design in Architecture,’ in Conditions # 4
Kylberg, M. Mattsson, H. Norell, D. Rosenberg, F. Runberger, J. 2010. ’Five Readings of Archigram 4’. In KTHA#2, KTH School of Architecture
Runberger, J. 2008. ‘Ett klipp i realtid.’ Column in journal RUM 10/2008
Runberger, J. 2007. ‘Lagens estetik.‘ review in Rum Journal, issue 6
Runberger, J. Gunterberg, Y. 2006. Volymelement i bostadsarkitekturen, Arkus
Runberger, J. 2006. ‘Medverkande Design.’ Article in Andér, B., Brodén, M., Karlsson, H. (Eds.) Skapande Människa 10-year anniversary publication. Stiftelsen Skapande människa
Runberger, J. 2006. ‘Mjukvaran leder till framtiden.’ Article in Arkitekten, Architects Sweden

Runberger, J. 2003. ’Protocols of Collaboration.’ Article in RAM1. Creative Room for Art and Computation. p. A12 – A42, Stockholm
Runberger, J. 2002. ‘Architectural Prototypes.’ Article in Runberger, Svante (Ed.). Polytechnic Society of Gothenburg Yearbook, Gothenburg
Runberger, J. Norell, D. 2001., ‘Probing the Conjectural.’ Article in Trans Magazine, Zurich

Runberger, J. 2012. Architectural Prototypes II: Reformations, Speculations and Strategies in the Digital Design Field. Doctoral Thesis. Monograph. KTH

Runberger, J. 2008. Architectural Prototypes: Modes of Design Development and Architectural Practice. Licentiate Dissertation. Monograph. KTH
Other Publications
‘Materialens Digitalisering’. 2023. Guest in the Materialperspektivet podcast
Audoly, S. 2023. ‘Cities as homes‘ featuring Forumtorget. Interni.
‘Digital Design Practice’. 2021. Guest in the FuturePerfect Podcast
‘Sverige på efterkälken i den globala boomen av 3D-printade hus’. 2023. Elin Bennewitz. Interview in ByggIndustrin
Runberger, J., 2020. ‘Framtiden växer på trä.’ Interview in K. Report from Innovationsföretagen
‘Alla som vill får sitta’. 2019. Hallemar, D. Forumtorget featured in Arkitektur, no 6
‘3D-skrivare spränger arkitekturens gränser’. 2018. Interview in Forskning & Framsteg
Miranda. P. 2014. ‘Programs as Paradigms’ featuring Krets project SplineGraft. in Izaki, Å. Derix, C. (Eds). Empathic Space: The Computation of Human-Centric Architecture. Architectural Design. Wiley
‘Krets.’ Interview in Long, Kieran. 2008. Hatch: the New Architectural Generation, Laurence King
‘SplineGraft’. 2007. Krets project SplineGraft featured in Pasajes Construcción, No 31, pp. 10 – 11. Spain
‘SplineGraft’. 2007. Krets project SplineGraft featured in Arkitekten, Architects Sweden
Glynn, R. ‘SplineGraft – Krets‘ featuring Krests project SplineGraft. 2007. Interactive Architecture Lab, UCL
SplineGraft. 2007. Krets project SplineGraft featured in Form Journal, Germany
SplineGraft. 2007. Krets project SplineGraft featured in Space Journal, Korea
Fabriksbyggt. 2007. interviewed in journal RUM